Saturday, February 7, 2009

He’s still four…

I did predict it.

After his third and final birthday celebration of the year today, Richie needed to know:

Richie: "Mom, am I still four?"

Me: "Yes."


Me: "Next January."

Richie: "Oh for pete's sake!"

Yes, he actually said that last part.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Girl fun…

Last night we had our good friends the Clarks over to watch the Super Bowl. Avery and Meghann spent the entire evening in Avery's room playing. At some point it became evident to them that they were having a bit of a hard time agreeing on what form of play would be most fun. So, they did what any enterprising, self-respecting, intelligent, Type A girls would do.

They negotiated.

The result was the following "to do list" of fun things to accomplish during the evening. After each fun thing was accomplished, they checked it off the list and moved to the next one.

I typed the list here verbatim for your enjoyment.

  1. glidr and pate
  2. dol hows
  3. clingn up
  4. playing prises
  5. playing with stufys
  6. woching a moofy
  7. dasing to musike
  8. resting

those are old

9. fathin showe

10. poot on exchrols

For those of you who might find yourselves little-girl-illiterate, I will attempt to translate.

  1. Glitter and paint
  2. Doll house
  3. Clean up
  4. Playing princess
  5. Playing with stuffed animals
  6. Watching a movie
  7. Dancing to music
  8. Resting (this is my favorite!)

Those are old (like, we've already done 1 through 8 and that was SOOOO 8 o'clock).

9. Fashion show

10. Put on…..? (This one sill baffles me. Maybe Heather has an idea?)

Saturday, January 24, 2009

How old am I again…?

Richie turned four this week. My baby. Four. I think I was pregnant for four straight years and now I've been un-pregnant for that same amount of time.

The time. It flies.

So, Tuesday was his big day and we decided to let him choose dinner. Chick-Fil-A. He kept asking where his presents were and when his party was going to happen. We explained that he would have three parties. One immediate family dinner at Chick-Fil-A. One family party over the weekend. And, one pirate party with his buddies a few days after that.

Well, today (Saturday) was the family party. He was asked over lunch how old he was. He said, "I'm FIVE!" He was promptly corrected and then he immediately came over to me and asked, "Mom…am I five?" I said, "No, you're still four." He said, "How long will I be four?" Until next year, dear. He said, "But today is my party!" clearly misunderstanding that we are STILL celebrating his FOURTH birthday.

Tonight as Richard was tucking him into bed he told Richie that he sure was glad he had a great party today. Richie looked at him with very confused eyes, lifted his little hands in the air and said…."Dad, I have no idea how old I am."

Poor sweetie. Next week at his pirate party, he'll no doubt want SIX candles on his cake.

The time does indeed fly, but let's not get too ahead of ourselves!