My kids eat healthy (well, with the occasional exception of Richie who I trick into eating greens by buying the little veggie-gummies at the health food store). We eat veggies. Fruit. No high fructose corn syrup. No sugary juice. Natural peanut butter. Fish. Organic when reasonable. I think I've actually unintentionally offended some family members by my vigilance over what my children are allowed (or NOT allowed) to eat.
The kids have been so great about all the "healthies" I pack in their lunch box. Yes, they do get treats, but it's usually very special when we do.
But, something tells me I may have crossed some sort of line…the one that takes me just ever so slightly past "responsible mommy" over into "uh…dude…your mom's a total health freak."
Today was Domino's pizza day at school and Carson and Avery were both allowed to order a piece. I packed them fruit for snack and organic chocolate chip cookies for dessert. The first words out of Carson's mouth when I picked him up from school were…(in full whine) "MOOOOMMMMM…you didn't pack me any vegetables!!!" I didn't realize I was raising a full-on herbivore.
5 minutes later in the same car ride, I told the kids we were getting Chinese for dinner. They were THRILLED. And, in my chipper, generous mood, I decided to announce that since it is Friday and they've had such a great first week of school that we are going to have SODA with our dinner. Richie shouted…"SODA???? What's SODA?"
I ain't lyin'.
I may have gone too far.
I can only imagine the hours of therapy and carnival food that will be needed to help these poor children. Seriously-can I be the really cool aunt that introduces Lucky Charms?
Too far? Nah. When they start craving tofu and seaweed, maybe :-) [This comment is from alicia--yes, shocker--and I forgot my password.]
That's beautiful. I totally love it! I wish Meghann didn't salivate at the sight of soda- especially the kind with CAFFEINE! My saving grace is Daniel who always prefers water. Thank you Jesus!
Oh my word, Christie. I still can't believe Avery is in Kindergarten!
That's awesome. I think there are some moms who wish their kids were in your kids' shoes instead of going "water? what's water?". Good job mom on keeping those kids healthy! They will love you even more when they are older and have a family of their own to keep balanced on the road of nutrition!
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