Monday, September 10, 2007

Famous people....

I was just enjoying my current favorite after-kid-bedtime/pre-my-bedtime lazy activity....watching Oprah on Tivo. They shot for a second over to Gayle King and it reminded me of the time I saw her live in the flesh and I nearly had a cow. I think it's so cool to hear stories about seeing famous people out and about in real life, so I wanted to do this post and invite everyone to respond about your brushes with famous people throughout your life. It does not count if you saw this famous person in their famous habitat. For example, I don't really need to know that you saw Billy Joel at his piano in concert. What I want to hear is that you saw Billy Joel in the back of a hay wagon in an Iowa Corn Days parade....or whatever. It needs to be one of those moments when you said to yourself (or out loud) "What the....???" "Is that.....????" "Oh my gosh!" You get it, right? So here are mine:

1. I saw Gayle King at the 2005 Men's NCAA Championship Basketball Game (between Illinois and North Carolina in St. Louis...North Carolina won, of course!! Yes!). She was in the bathroom at the same time as me and she also was seated about 4 rows in front of us. We had great seats. Also at this game, we (Richard and I) saw all sorts of various famous people from broadcasters, to coaches, to NBA players (like Carmello Anthony who was one row BEHIND us...did I mention we had great seats? Thanks Hansbroughs!) It was great. When I saw Gayle in the bathroom, I had an overwhelming urge to hug her. But, I refrained. Alas.

2. I once sat across from Naomi Judd in the airport. She was hiding behind gigantic sunglasses and a newspaper, but it was her, no doubt. She was about 5 feet away. She was also on our same flight to Virginia that day.

3. Same trip as #2, Richard and I saw Morgan Freeman get out of a black Lincoln in front of the Jefferson Memorial in Washington D.C.


Judy said...

Does standing 10' away from President Bush when he came to PB count? That was way exciting for me.

Christie's Corner said...

Oh, yeah, that totally counts! Wasn't that awesome???

natalier said...

Tim saw Phil Donahue in our hotel lobby in New York this summer. I missed it. But the entire film crew for the MTV show "Making of the Band" was on our floor--so I saw them. That's it. I don't think I've seen any other famous people.