Sunday, January 20, 2008

Going green….progress!

Back in July, I bravely admitted my adverse feelings toward environmental friendliness. It's not that I didn't want to be environmentally friendly. I just wanted to do it without having to make any lifestyle changes or put any effort into it at all. Well, it's a new year and new things for me are on the horizon. I decided to call the trash company about recycling. Lo and behold it's not nearly as painful or as expensive as I thought. $1 a month. Jeepers, ONE DOLLAR? I think I can do that. AND the recycle pickup is on the same day as the trash pickup. AND, I don't have to turn my garage into a refuse sorting factory. I simply throw all the recycle-ables into one blue box. Easy. And, it feels right.

We had a family meeting about it last night and talked through with the kids what all types of items go in the blue box. Wouldn't you know it, today I found a glass bottle in the normal trash. Oh, yes I did. The culprit? It wasn't the kids, it was the hubby. I suggested posting a large sign (flashing neon perhaps?) on top of the trash can lid that says something like, "Please look at the item in your hand that you're about to throw away. Is it #1 or #2 plastic? Is it glass? Is it a metal can? Is it a newspaper? If so, get thee to the garage and put it in the blue bin you crazy fool!!!!!" He thought perhaps just a little note that says "Recycle?" would suffice.


Kara said...

I'm proud of you. I would like to go a little "green" myself, however, I haven't worked up the energy. Way to inspire us!!

Kara said...

Way to inspire us Christie! I have tried to go "Green" myself but haven't worked up the energy. I'll work on it. New Yorkers frown on wasteful people! :-)