Monday, March 19, 2007

In the free fall

Have you ever felt backed into a you were being forced to make a decision that you really didn't want to make? Welcome to our world today.

Richard resigned from his job this morning. The job that moved us to Springfield last Fall. The job that held so much promise in the beginning. The job that has turned out to be one of the greatest trials of our lives. A shockingly unfortunate series of events that culminated on Friday placed us in a position where we felt there was no choice...and we felt God was in favor of...Richard resigning immediately.

We don't know what the future holds for us. From what we can see today, no job is waiting in the wings. There are a few possibilities, but no guarantees. I feel like I've jumped off of a cliff and I'm still in free fall waiting for my parachute to open. But we are praying. We're asking our friends and family to pray. God has always been faithful to us and we know He will be again.

I want to live in the center of God's will and normally when I pray that, I'm not thinking about gut-wrenching trials, heavy disappointments and total disillusionment. But, I think growing close to God is not about the destination but all about the journey. So, from that perspective I welcome this trial and count it all joy. What can separate us from the love of God?

1 comment:

Troy Geddes said...

Chrisie...we are praying that when you look back on this you will see the incredible precision that God uses to grow people and at the same time, gently move them towards a more meaningful relationship with HIM. As you know we have litterally had the rug pulled out from under us three times in fourteen years. Now I see the hand of God in all of it...I sure knew He was with us but couldn't see the future and spent much time in distress..we are praying for you and your family. Be still....He will whisper in your and obey!