Thursday, June 21, 2007


I mowed tonight. Wow. You'd think that my love for vacuuming would naturally spill over to lawn mowing. After all, it's the same sort of idea...pushing a machine over whatever's underfoot, and making it look prettier than before and leaving nice, happy, straight lines behind as a reward to me for my efforts. But, no. I'm exhausted. Maybe it would have been better if our mower was a Super Lite 10-pound Bagless Hoover. It's not. It's the 25 dollar, push-yer-heart-out, picked-it-up-at-a-yard-sale YEARS ago model. I'm pretty sure it weighs 85 pounds. When I finished my little square huffing and puffing, Richard took over and was practically jogging with the thing whipping it around this and that like it was nothing. Hmph. He told me later that while he appreciated my efforts, I was a bit slow. Apparently I used up about a full tank of gas and an entire HOUR mowing 12 square feet. I'm thinking he'll never ask me to do that again. Hee Hee!

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