Tuesday, July 3, 2007


I love shoes. I don't have the luxury of owning many pairs, but I still love them. I love the black flip flops I wear almost every day. I love my new Adidas tennis shoes with the hi-tech breathing holes in the bottoms. I love my funny pink slippers with the full inch of heavenly puffiness in the soles. I love to wear heels and I really miss my zip up knee-high boots which are stashed away in a lonely corner waiting for winter.

It's only today, however, that I realize the true importance of shoes. It's not to make me feel good inside. It's not to complete my outfit. No. The reason that God allowed humans to create shoes is to prevent splinters from embedding themselves in the feet of my children. How do I know this? Because we've failed. Too many times. You'd think after one fit-throwing, screaming episode of splinter removal that it would be a FAMILY RULE that we ALWAYS wear shoes on the deck. Bless their little hearts. Shoes. On the deck. We really need to make that happen.

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