Friday, April 11, 2008

What’s up with the toothpaste?

It's my burning question for the day. What is up with all the blue toothpaste in my kids' bathroom. It's chronic. Every morning the kids do all their business in the bathroom. Thankfully, brushing teeth is on the list of must-dos--along with combing hair and using the potty at least once. However, every morning when the whirlwind of getting-ready activities has died down and I go in to assess the damage I always….always….find gobs of blue toothpaste crusted onto the vanity. Sometimes I even find it in the floor. Do my children have holes in their lips causing the blue goo to drip out as they faithfully slosh it around in their mouths? Is their brushing action so violent that they sling the sticky mess out of their mouths and all over whatever unlucky surfaces are nearby? Are they physically incapable of saying to themselves, "Oh, look. I just drooled nasty blue toothpaste onto the sink. I think I'll clean that up. In fact, I think I'll clean it up right now before it hardens into a crusty shell of a mess that mommy will have to use her fingernail to pry up later. Yes, I'll get on that right now." What is up with the toothpaste????


Anonymous said...

I very much agree with you on this one, Christie! I have often wondered about this same issue. Why would you spit the stuff out, look at it in the sink, and leave it there? We have explained how to splash water up to rinse it out, right? And, I also wonder how it ends up in the rug, on the cabinet fronts, etc. Thanks for letting me know that my "blue bathroom" is not the only one in town!

Kara said...

Ha! I am laughing. I still only have a 2 year old and she is NOT in charge of brushing her own teeth yet. Mommy is still in charge and I, for one, definitely wipe the blue stuff out! :-) Great things to look forward to!