Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Christmas lists...

I love Christmas lists. If you're in a family that doesn't implement a firm Christmas list policy, then I urge you to consider it. My family exchanges lists for each other so that we don't have to guess what to buy for every single person and I'm ensured that the gifts I receive will be way cool....because I chose them! Heh Heh.

I do understand how some folks may consider this Christmas selfishness. But, since the selfishness is two ways, I think it's totally cool. Easy shopping for the giver. Cool gifts for the receiver.

In previous years, our kids didn't really understand all that goes into Christmas lists and so I compiled lists for them. Oh, but this year is entirely different. With every toy magazine and newspaper flyer that comes into the house, they are pouring over them with pens handy. Carson's biggest concern is checking the appropriate ages for each of the gifts. If and only if the item says "Ages 5 and up" will it be considered for his list. Avery just pretty much wants anything pink, purple, princess or pony. Easy to please. Richie, I'm helping since he's still a bit too young.

For the last few years I've been using I will say that the prices are not always as low as what you might find on ToysRUs or Amazon, but they hooked me when they were one of the first sites that allowed a parent to easily track all of the lists for their kids with one login. So, once the magazines and flyers have been thoroughly inspected, I transfer the selections to eToys. We may be on the verge of giving eToys some sort website heart attack because I think there are about 500 items on each of my kids' lists! Ah well. It's fun for them and it's much of the joy of Christmas.

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