When we moved back to the Springfield area last year, one thing we looked forward to was taking the kids to all sorts of activities in order to expose them to various learning opportunities. I know that Springfield is not exactly cultural mecca but it's a far cry better than the Missouri Bootheel from whence we came.

We took them to their first theatre production a few weeks ago to see My Little Pony--The World's Biggest Tea Party. As I suspected, they loved it. As I also suspected, Richard and I had more fun watching our kids' reactions to the whole display rather than the display itself. Although, I do think I caught Richard grooving ever so slightly to the purple dinosaur DJ who was working the turntables over some 70's disco song during one of the numbers.

We also took them to the Ozarko marching band festival at Missouri State. It is their heritage to participate in marching band...a blessing that Richard and I will both proudly (or perhaps not so proudly) pass on to them. It was all in all a very fun evening until Richie decided he needed to start climbing the stadium bleachers and yelling during every performance. Very bad marching band etiquette!
Hey, didn't that "Little Pony" show prohibit flash photography during the performance?
Ummmm...yeah. I have no idea who took that photo.
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