Monday, February 4, 2008

At the mall with my little buddy…

Yesterday, I took one of my favorite people to the mall with me. Carson joined me for a little trip so that I could take back a pair of shoes I picked up on Spa Day because I decided they were too small. My little partner was quite patient with me as I browsed the sale racks at Dillard's for a bit. For the most part, it was a quiet afternoon. I would ask for his opinion now and then about certain items and he would oblige me to give a "yeah" or "nay." I did pick up a little sale item while we were there and as we were checking out, the sales lady and another older shopper were commenting to each other about how cute Carson was. His eyes, his outfit, his sweet demeanor. I didn't argue. He often receives small praises from strangers like this and I never counter and I never brag. I only agree that he is quite wonderful and leave it at that. But, usually my heart is bursting with pride.

Leaving Dillard's he spotted the gumball station and asked for some money. I didn't have any quarters, so we stopped in J.C. Penney where I changed out a dollar bill. He grabbed the four quarters and I'm sure they were burning a hole in his pocket for the next 20 minutes. It made me happy to provide so much anticipation for him. We made the stop for the shoes and were coming out of American Eagle when we walked right up on a posse of teenage boys who desperately needed their mamas. Their pants were saggy, their hair was greasy, they were rowdy and they all had earphones in. I flashed to the future for a split second and said a prayer that my baby boy would be protected during his teen years. That his heart would stay safe. That his choices would be sound. That his love for God would increase. As we passed the posse, Carson tenderly slipped his little hand inside mine. I nearly melted right there. We proceeded quietly back to the gumball stand his left hand in mine and his right clutching his quarters.

I know the time is coming when he'll no longer hold my hand and quarters and gumballs won't be the highlight of his days. I just pray that even when that time is here he'll remember our sweet times together and that perhaps he'll have a little one of his own who melts his heart the way he does mine.


Kara said...

Thanks for making me all sappy! Love the story with Carson. You are a good mommy for recognizing the moments to cherish and taking time to thank God for them. You never know when it will be his "last" day for something like holding your hand at the mall. Precious!

megsnbigd said...

That's the sweetest post ever. I am typing through tears! Kids are the BEST!