Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Expressive, much?

Avery's been really impressing us with her vocabulary lately. Here are a couple of recent samples:

"Mom, these green beans are the Holy Spirit. They are SO GOOD!"

And, just this morning….

"Mom, if you heat up strawberry milk, that is GYMNASTICS. I love it!!"

Richard has always said that it doesn't really matter what words or random grunts you use to communicate. As long as the recipient understands your meaning, then your attempt to convey meaning has succeeded.

So true.


megsnbigd said...

She had warm strawberry milk at our house. I'm glad she liked it. My kids STILL love their morning milk warm...

Kara said...

I am finally home from my LOOOOONG drive from Colorado to Indiana......that is SOOO Gymnastics! I think this new way of speaking definitely is more fun! Ha!

I love kids!

brent said...

I think I was the one to introduce Avery to cold strawberry milk--now a tradition--so it's still HOME RUN MCGWIRE when she sheepishly asks, "Poppy, can I have some...?" On the other hand, her Aunt Sarah disagrees with her about the veggies and thinks green beans are BEELZEBUB!

megsnbigd said...

Hey, I just PREORDERED Sue Aughtmon's (AKA TSG) book from Amazon! Yahoo!

Cheryl said...

OMG, kids are soooo cute! And when they say stuff like that they are so serious and it's so hard not to die laughing at them!