Thursday, January 10, 2008

Jan/Feb…not my favorites…

It's the 10th of January and just today I took down the Christmas tree. There's nothing like a little procrastination to start off the New Year! I have never really liked winter, so I think subconsciously I am trying to extend the jolly Christmas season into my most dreaded time of the year. I like it somewhat in December when it's not freeze-your-fingers-off cold outside and the promise of snow adds all the more delightful anticipation to Christmas. I love a brisk stroll two steps out the front door to pick up my internet shopping gifts. I love hot chocolate, warm fires and snow. Cold is acceptable in December.

However, Cold becomes hideous in January. It's almost as if when the Christmas tree comes down, that's nature's signal to drop it 20 degrees and let the sickness bugs run rampant. I really can't think of anything redeemable about January and February. It's just stinkin' cold for no stinkin' reason and we generally end up with some sort of nasty family bug. They are to me the dreadful 8 weeks I must endure until the glorious Spring begins to break forth. So I delay in taking down the Christmas tree…until mid-January when I finally surrender to winter.

However, before we all start to drown in the Winter Blues thanks to my cheery New Year Report, please let me say that I have been feeling Holy Spirit-style convicted about my hatred of Jan/Feb. I mean, God created this season just like all the others, right? So, there MUST be something in which to rejoice. So, indulge me a little self-help talk here for a minute.

  1. Richie was born in January, so in that we can rejoice! (Nevermind that two weeks after he was born our entire family had the stomach flu….hence one more reason to hate Jan/Feb and fear what illness they may bring. But, we're not thinking about that now!)
  2. Today as I was driving, the clouds were full with rain and were an enchanting shade of dark blue. I noticed that the leafless trees looked so beautiful up against that blue sky and had there actually been leaves on the trees, I would have missed that sight. I actually gave audible thanks to the Creator when I saw it. Winter scenery can be breathtaking.
  3. Taking down all of the Christmas decorations affords me a rare opportunity to re-arrange and re-decorate our living spaces. That is fun! I pushed all of the furniture around in our living room today. Not only is the change refreshing, I found $2.71 behind the couch and some socks we had been missing since Summer!
  4. Ok, I was on a roll and now, I'm stuck. I can't think of a fourth reason to appreciate Jan/Feb. But, three is pretty good and it's three more than I had last Jan/Feb!

Clearly, I could use a little encouragement!


Kara said...

Ok. So maybe you can be thankful that these are the months that hot chocolate, warm steamy soups and stews and yummy, straight-from-the-oven chocolate chip cookies taste the best, or you can be thankful for snow days to stay at home and watch movies with the kids, OR you could be thankful for sledding down snowy hills and memories that they create that can only happen in these months of winter. This is all I got girl. Consider yourself encouraged. Anybody else got any good ideas? :-) Hang in there.

Christie's Corner said...

You are mom said some of the exact things, too. I need to have some people over, I think!