Thursday, January 31, 2008

The Man Room…

Those of you who have been to our house are very familiar with our "Man Room." It is so incredibly lacking in any sort of design that it's actually being featured over at Antique Mommy's new Inspired Spaces blog. You can check out her post on our Man Room here.

Actually, I have to take that back. Our Man Room does have design....if you like hunting. And you like seeing the targets of your hunting on your twenty foot long the form of wood paneling.

I can hardly be in the Man Room without getting an overwhelming urge to shoot something.

When we first toured the house before purchasing it, we knew immediately what that room would be used for....Richard. None of the rest of us wanted to be in there. It's ugly. He doesn't like it either, but somehow he has some inner quality the rest of us lack to be able to endure long hours in such an environment.

Oh, and just for your viewing pleasure, here is the picture of the carpet that Antique Mommy referred to as "yugly." I think you'll agree.

And, I'm officially inviting all of our friends over for a week-long Paneling Painting Party. Doesn't that just sound like a BLAST??? Hey…I would do it for you!


1 comment:

megsnbigd said...

Hey, I love that sort of thing. I'll totally help come and paint. Let me know when! -Heather