Thursday, March 27, 2008

What’s a lonely mom to do…?

My parents came for a visit over the weekend. Delightful! What's even more delightful is that they offered to take all three of my babes back home with them for the remainder of the week. Well, they really offered to take the two older ones fearing that Richie may have several slightly modified versions of his bubble gum fits in which he goes on and on with the crying over missing his mommy. However, I insisted that he would be just fine….a little spanking may be necessary, but he'd soon get over it and it would certainly not be bad enough that they should leave the one child here with ME! I really was thrilled at the prospect of three entire kid-free days.

Yesterday morning as they were prepared to leave, I knew something was amiss. After dealing with what I thought were allergies for a few days, I began to feel achy. Stink! Just what I needed on Day One of Kid Free-ness was to spend it in bed nursing a fever and a nasty cough. But, that's what I did. The house was eerily quiet. I was completely alone. I was missing them before they even pulled out of the driveway. Now, I was sick….which meant I couldn't do all the glorious things that moms temporarily without kids are supposed to be able to do. I wanted to spend hours walking around the mall, get a pedicure, read a gardening book, watch movies, scrapbook, have tea with a friend. But no, it was not meant to be.

Today, I'm on Day Two of Kid Free-ness and I'm starting to feel the pressure. Feeling somewhat better, but still not up to par. I'd like to do something from my fun list, but the house is a wreck. I have the unfortunate affliction of not being able to do anything fun until the entire house is in order….dishes done, beds made, floor swept, laundry at least sorted and not overflowing in baskets. AHHH! So, even if I felt like doing something FUN, I have to clean up first.

It's hopeless.

Meanwhile, I miss the little stinkers like crazy. I know they're having fun. But, as I sit here guzzling my Emergen-C and staring over the laptop at the unsightly mess in my kitchen, I'm starting to wonder if I ought not just throw all caution to the wind and do something fun BEFORE I clean up.

Oh, the pressure to make the most of these days is intense.


megsnbigd said...

You poor, poor dear! My parents leave tomorrow. I wish I could help you clean up the house so you could get to all the glorious grown-up fun! I did meet your Dad though, at soccer. I was hoping to see you mom as well, I imagine she's who you take after...

Cheryl said...

Go do something fun chick! Even if you're sick, surely you can handling soaking your feet at the day spa! You can clean when you're kids are home! Kid free moments are too few and far between. I miss Clara like crazy when I come to SGF, but I also take advantage of that time to focus on ME in the evenings.